The selection of the women team of Oirschot Vooruit for the season
'98/'99 is as follows:
Arjan Abbink Coach
Maikel Croes Trainer
Marieke Aarts
Karin Bressers
Kobie Damstra
Monique Endeveld
Mieke vd Hamsvoort
Riky v Hees-Smetsers
Lia Janssen- Bullens
Monique Overdijk-Coppelmans
Esther Raaymakers
Marjon vd Sande
Tanja Schepens
Danielle Smetsers
Renate Smetsers
Suzanne Smetsers
Katy vd Ven
Seline vd Vleuten
The players led this season, as last season, by Maikel Croes and Arjan Abbink
Everybody is highly motivated the get the most out of the season this year.
Maybe even promotion to the third class is an option for them. But with the
support everybody is expecting this year from the club and all the other
members of the club it is possible!!