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The number of senior club members kept on growing and the club became bigger and bigger. In the end it became so big that even Sports Park "Moorland" became too small.
In 1980 the club was still growing and a new part of the Oirschot accomodation became reality. In the meantime the canteen had a major renovation. Many of the clubs in the region would have been jealous of such an accomodation. When the canteen was reopended in may that year many clubs couldn't belive their eyes. Not only the canteen was renovated but also the changing rooms. They were expanded to eight changing rooms and the referees got their own changing rooms. Again Oirschot Vooruit could be proud to have an accomodation like this.

In the season 83/84 Oirschot Vooruit started with two women soccer teams. The first year of the women soccer was great. They won all 22 matches and made 187 goals and got only 4 goals against.